Discrete IGBTs are a favourite amongst engineers who design power conversion systems due to their high efficiency performance and low cost. Our range of IGBTs provide various benefits including low energy losses and exceptional device ruggedness while maintaining low on-state voltages.

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Choose from the largest selection of IGBT devices

GD Rectifiers offers an extensive portfolio of discrete IGBTs, including trench, high power and high speed insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs).

Our wide range of IGBTs are suited to high power and high speed applications such as AC motor speed control, DC servo and robot drives, uninterruptible power supplies, DC choppers, and switch-mode and resonant-mode power supplies.

Discrete IGBTs provide anti-parallel, avalanche capability, low switching losses and Short Circuit SOA Capability.

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Discrete IGBTs

Offering a large range of industry-leading IGBTs from IXYS and IXYS UK Westcode

Discrete IGBTs are an insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) three-terminal power semiconductor device which is primarily used as an electronic switch. Discrete IGBTs feature high efficiency and fast switching capabilities and consist of four alternating layers controlled by a metal oxide semiconductor gate structure.

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Discrete IGBTs are a favourite amongst engineers who design power conversion systems due to their high efficiency performance and low cost.

IXYS provides an extensive range of discrete IGBTs including: Xtreme light Punch Through (XPT) IGBTs, Non-Punch Through (NPT) IGBTs, Soft-Punch Through IGBT, Trench IGBTs, G-series Legacy IGBTs, G-series A B & C Class IGBTs, G-series A2 B2 & C2 Class IGBTs, G-series A3 B3 & C3 Class (GenX3TM) IGBTs, S-series Legacy (SCSOA) IGBTs, S-Series A B * C Class IGBTs. S-series B2 Class IGBTs, L-series IGBTs, 1600V & 1700V Low Sat IGBTs, 1600V & 1700VLow Sat IGBTs w/diode, 1600V & 1700V High Speed IGBTs w/diode, Very High Voltage (2500-4000V) IGBTs, B-series IGBTs, R-series (Reverse Blocking) IGBTs.

View the IXYS Discrete IGBTs Range here

IXYS IGBTs by GD Rectifiers

Xtreme Light Punch Through (XPT™) Planar IGBTs

The XPT IGBTs are an extremely rugged technology platform of IGBTs, which are ideal for critical applications that require low conduction and low switching losses with a 10 μs short circuit withstand capability. IXYS XPT IGBTs have lower saturation voltage and low total switching energy (Eon + Eoff). A large portfolio of module packed Planar XPTs are also available for applications such as UPS, Motor drive and solar inverters.


Xtreme Light Punch Through (X2PT™) Planar IGBTs

The X2PT are IXYS’ second generation of XPT IGBTs. Features are 10 μs short circuit capability, 175°C max junction temperature, further reduce VCEsat) and lower turn-off losses (Eoff) resulting in a competitive performance to the latest trench devices at reduced Rth. These IGBTs are most commonly used for Motor Inverters.


Xtreme Light Punch Through (XPT™) Trench IGBTs

The XPT Trench IGBTs are the latest development in the IGBT range. This range starts at 650V and features a low VCE(sat) and an extremely low switching losses, making this the ideal range for fast switching applications whilst retaining good SOA rating and a positive temperature coefficient.


1600V & 1700V Low Sat IGBTs

The Low Sat IGBTs are designed for capacitor discharge applications, featuring a low voltage, high power density and high peak current capability. These IGBTs provide a complete solution for power conversion applications.


1600V & 1700V High Speed IGBTs

This family of 1600/1700V IGBTs are targeted for high voltage applications that require 10 μs short circuit withstand capability. IXYS offer a fast switching ‘A’ version 1700 V NPT IGBTs and both are suitable for high voltage switching applications with switching frequencies upwards of 50 kHz.


Very High Voltage (2500V – 4000V) IGBTs

IXYS boost a unique range of discrete 2500V, 3000V and 4000V VHV IGBTs with collector current ratings spanning from 2A to 75A. The voltage and current ratings of these devices, coupled with simplified MOS gate-control makes this IGBT a favourite amongst engineers.



BiMOSFETs have the combined strengths of MOSFETs and IGBTs. IXYS BiMOSFETs feature a monolithic intrinsic diode which can reduce die count in many applications.

IXYS UK Westcode IGBTs

IXYS UK’s IGBTs are a pioneer of Press-Pack IGBT technology, they offer a large range of class leading devices with voltage ratings of 1.7kV (900V DC link), 2.5kV (1.25kV DC link) and 4.5kV (2.8kV DC link).

The production of these devices is free from wire and solder bonds which all but eliminates the problems of mechanical fatigue associated with conventional modules. Internal stray inductance in both the gate connections and emitter connections is vastly reduced when compared to conventional modules leading to improved ruggedness and short circuit behaviour, which is further enhanced by direct cooling of the emitter side of chip.

IXYS devices feature state-of-the-art punch through (PT) process, which yields exceptional values VCE(sat) and quiet switching behaviour despite the high voltage ratings yet the devices feature a positive temperature coefficient making them suitable for reliable parallel operation. These devices are available with or without integral anti-parallel diode; a range of complimentary extra fast recovery diodes optimised for use with these IGBTs are available now.

IXYS UK press-pack IGBTs feature exceptional power cycling performance; typically an order of magnitude better than modules, making them highly suited to applications such as metals and traction drive systems where there are repeated cyclic power demands. Press-pack IGBTs have a stable short circuit failure mode which alongside safety benefits, makes them an ideal choice for medium and high voltage applications where series connection is required. Stable short circuit failure mode allows for the design in of n+ redundancy without additional bypass switches and costly explosion proof enclosures. Typical examples include HVDC, FACTs, Active VAr controllers/compensators and medium voltage drives. In applications above 4MW press-pack IGBTs offer exceptional power density, far exceeding that achievable with comparable modules in multi-level/MMC based converters.

IXYS UK’s press-pack IGBTs are largely backwardly compatible with standard 2.5kV and 4.5kV GTOs in many applications such as AC drives. This makes these parts a simple and economical path to upgrade or refurbish equipment that previously used GTOs, such as locomotives or medium voltage drives. They are suitable for all cooling options including direct liquid immersion. Complementary gate drives, mounting clamps and passive components are available.


Part Number                 Vces    







@ Ic


  IGBT Switching 


  Eon           Eoff

   J               J


If = Ic


   Diode Recovery


Irm       trr      Qr

A         μs       μC 




IGBT      Diode

K/W         K/W

Fig No.


T0360ND25A 2500 360 720 3.07 0.47 0.66 2.25 320 0.7 300 125 0.0541 0.0730 W40
T0500ND25E 2500 500 1000 3.06 0.66 0.92 N/A N/A N/A N/A 125 0.0386 N/A W40
T0570VD25G 2500 570 1140 3.06 0.75 1.05 2.01 340 1.3 330 125 0.0338 0.0365 W67
T0850VD25E 2500 850 1700 3.04 1.13 1.58 N/A N/A N/A N/A 125 0.0225 N/A W67
T1200TD25A 2500 1200 2400 3.15 1.50 2.10 2.50 800 0.97 840 125 0.0169 0.0292 W41
T1500TD25E 2500 1500 3000 3.06 1.97 2.76 N/A N/A N/A N/A 125 0.0129 N/A W41
T2250AD25E 2500 2250 4500 3.03 3.00 4.20 N/A N/A N/A N/A 125 0.0085 N/A W71
T0160NB45A 4500 160 320 3.45 1.10 1.05 3.90 130 2.5 170 125 0.0730 0.1730 W40
T0240NB45E 4500 240 480 3.60 1.25 1.25 N/A N/A N/A N/A 125 0.0550 N/A W40
T0340VB45G 4500 340 680 3.50 2.20 2.10 3.50 400 2.3 500 125 0.0365 0.0576 W67
T0510VB45E 4500 510 1020 3.50 3.30 3.15 N/A N/A N/A N/A 125 0.0243 N/A W67
T0600TB45A 4500 600 1200 3.60 3.70 3.50 3.90 530 1.2 660 125 0.0219 0.0432 W41
T0800TB45E 4500 800 1600 3.50 5.10 4.90 N/A N/A N/A N/A 125 0.0156 N/A W41
T0800EB45G 4500 800 1600 3.50 5.10 4.90 3.45 700 1.7 1000 125 0.0156 0.0246 W44
T0900EB45A 4500 900 1800 3.60 5.50 5.30 3.90 800 1.6 1000 125 0.0146 0.0288 W44
T1200EB45E 4500 1200 2400 3.60 6.50 6.50 N/A N/A N/A N/A 125 0.0104 N/A W44
T1600GB45G 4500 1600 3200 3.50 12.00 8.70 3.45 1380 1.7 1970 125 0.0078 0.0123 W45
T1800GB45A 4500 1800 3600 3.60 11.00 10.50 3.90 1600 1.6 2000 125 0.0073 0.0144 W45
T2400GB45E 4500 2400 4800 3.60 13.00 13.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A 125 0.0052 N/A W45
T0258HF65G 6500 258 516 4.80 1.80 1.45 3.45 300 1.2 410 125 0.0328 0.0567 W95
T0385HF65E 6500 385 770 4.80 2.70 2.18 N/A N/A N/A N/A 125 0.0219 N/A W95
T0600AF65G 6500 600 1030 4.80 4.20 3.38 3.45 700 1.2 950 125 0.0141 0.0243 W98
T0900AF65E 6500 900 1800 4.80 6.30 5.08 N/A N/A N/A N/A 125 0.0094 N/A W98
T0900DF65A 6500 900 1800 4.80 6.30 5.08 3.40 950 1.2 1500 125 0.0094 0.0155 W96
T1290BF65A 6500 1290 2580 4.80 9.00 7.30 3.60 1400 1.1 1900 125 0.0066 0.0122 W103
T1375DF65E 6500 1375 2750 4.80 9.60 7.70 N/A N/A N/A N/A 125 0.0062 N/A W96
T1890BF65E 6500 1890 3780 4.80 13.20 10.60 N/A N/A N/A N/A 125 0.0045 N/A W103


Press Pack IGBTs

IXYS UK offer a range of pre-configured boards that compliment IXYS UK’s range of press-pack IGBTs. Various other applications are available on request please contact us for further information.


  • High reliability topology
  • Designed for ultra low power consumption
  • Build in DC/DC-converter with soft start
  • Integrated input filter for low EMI
  • Separate low impedance path for parasitic EMI currents
  • PD-Voltage levels available up to 11kV on request
  • Low impedance from gate to emitter at start-up and power fail
  • Monitoring of all secondary supply voltages
  • Monitoring of IGBT switching status (Vce-de-sat detection)
  • Soft switch-OFF at Vce-de-sat fault condition
  • Fiber-optic links for switching commands and status control
  • Low light protection for input signal
  • Short-pulse suppression, configurable
  • Balanced propagation delay time
  • Gate current up to 44A
  • Optional gate-speed-up capacitors



  • Large and medium drives
  • Renewable generation
  • Utilities scale converters


Gate Drive Part Number IGBT Type
C0044BG400SBK T0160NB45A
C0044BG400SBL T0240NB45E
C0044BG400SBQ T0340VB45G
C0044BG400SBA T0360ND25A
C0044BG400SBB T0500ND25E
C0044BG400SBE T0510VB45E
C0044BG400SBF T0570VD25G
C0044BG400SBM T0600TB45A
C0044BG400SBG T0800EB45G
C0044BG400SBN T0800TB45E
C0044BG400SBH T0850VD25E
C0044BG400SBP T0900EB45A
C0044BG400SBR T1200EB45E
C0044BG400SBC T1200TD25A
C0044BG400SBD T1500TD25E
C0044BG400SBJ T1600GB45G
C0044BG400SBS T1800GB45A
C0044BG400SBV T2250AB25E
C0044BG400SBT T2400GB45E


For further information on IGBTs please contact us on 01444 243 452 or email [email protected].  

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