Motor Control
Reduce time and labour in motor control applications
We have been reducing time and labour by powering anything and everything possible since the industrial revolution.
The operation of motors is an essential part of our lives and are today found everywhere, from household appliances and tools to cars, trains and even oil rigs and damns.
Since the 18th century we have been reducing time and labour by powering anything that we possibly could with a motor, and the demand still continues today with over 45% of our global energy consumption coming from the operation of motors.
A wide range of motor control applications, design and motor control products are available from GD Rectifiers. We offer a complete line of motor control products for motor control management. Our products meet the needs of many applications from low medium voltage to conform to IEC standards.
Our motor protection series is designed to protect motors from harmful overvoltage and Dv/dt spikes generated on the output. This is particularly beneficial for applications with variable frequency drives and servo-motors.
The Enerdoor series includes common mode and differential mode inductances, sine wave filters and snubbers designed to work with various frequency switches, output frequencies and applications. The sine wave filter series reduces the pulse wave modulation (PWM) effect, converts it to a sine wave and reduces dV/dt.
Critical applications rely on medium voltage motors for safe, consistent operation in harsh industrial environments. To improve the protection and performance of your systems, choose from our range of Enerdoor motor protection devices including: snubber motor protection, three phase choke, reactor on the line, load reactor, three phase sinusoidal and ferrite cores. Our motor protection systems are designed with the capabilities you need to meet application demands.
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Our specialist products, components and designs can be found in a wide range of motor control applications around the world. We also partner with customers to design custom components and devices to suit their requirements.