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The Semikron Foundation Awards 2019

Published on: 20/06/2019

The Semikron Foundation announces this year’s winners 

The SEMIKRON Foundation Awards 2019 by GD Rectifiers

The Semikron foundation was set up by shareholders of the Semikron group and went live on 4th December 2010. The two daughters of long-term Semikron shareholder and CEO Peter Martin, are equal founders of the Semikron Foundation.

One of the main aims of the foundation is to continue to foster aid projects for children and people in need across the world which were initiated by Peter Martin himself and backed by the Mali Martin Care e.V. charity.

Over the past ten years, Mali Martin Care e.V. has put more than one million euros into aid and support projects for underprivileged children and youths across the globe, especially in Brazil.

The Semikron Foundation Awards 2019

The Semikron Foundation also promotes research projects and innovation in the area of power electronics, awarding the annual SEMIKRON Innovation Award and the Semikron Young Engineer Award for achievements in this field.

This year, the jury decided that the SEMIKRON Innovation Award 2019 should go to two teams — André Haspel and Urs Boehme from Daimler AG in Boeblingen, Germany for their quasi-isolated converter and Johan Le Leslé and Rémy Caillaud from Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe in Rennes for their work on a high integration, modular 3.3kW AC/DC converter.

The Semikron Young Engineer Award 2019 was awarded to Andreas Bendicks from the Technical University of Dortmund for his work on “Active EMI Reduction in Power Electronic Systems by Injecting Synthesized and Synchronized Cancellation Signals” supervised by Prof. Stephan Frei.


GD Rectifiers is an official distributor for Semikron and are proud to have been working with them within the power electronics industry for over 50 years.

To discuss your Semikron requirements, please contact our team on: 01444 243 452 or email: [email protected].


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